Source code for pastream

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2018 Thomas J. Garcia
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
# a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
# "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
# without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
# distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
# permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
# the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""pastream: GIL-less Portaudio Streams for Python
from __future__ import print_function as _print_function, division as _division
try:                import Queue as _queue
except ImportError: import queue as _queue
import math as _math
import threading as _threading
import time as _time
import sys as _sys
import sounddevice as _sd
import soundfile as _sf
from _py_pastream import ffi as _ffi, lib as _lib
from pa_ringbuffer import _RingBufferBase

# For debugging
## from timeit import default_timer as timer
## gtime = None

__version__ = '0.2.0.post1'

# Set a default size for the audio callback ring buffer
_PA_BUFFERSIZE = 1 << 16

# Determines the blocksize for reading/writing sound files

# Private states that determine how a stream completed

# Include xrun flags in nampespace
paInputOverflow = _lib.paInputOverflow
paInputUnderflow = _lib.paInputUnderflow
paOutputOverflow = _lib.paOutputOverflow
paOutputUnderflow = _lib.paOutputUnderflow

[docs] class BufferFull(Exception): pass
[docs] class BufferEmpty(Exception): pass
[docs] class RingBuffer(_RingBufferBase): _ffi = _ffi _lib = _lib __doc__ = _RingBufferBase.__doc__ @classmethod def _from_pointer(cls, pointer): class ProxyRingBuffer(cls): def __init__(self, ptr, data=None): self._ptr = ptr self._data = data return ProxyRingBuffer(pointer)
class _LinearBuffer(RingBuffer): """(internal) RingBuffer interface for non-power-of-2 sized buffers This class is essentially the same as RingBuffer but lies to the underlying pa_ringbuffer about its total size in order to allowing passing of arbitrary sized buffers to the py_pastream callback using the same RingBuffer interface. The big caveat using this class is that you *cannot* wrap write/read around the end of the buffer. """ def __new__(cls, elementsize, buffer): try: data = _ffi.from_buffer(buffer) except TypeError: data = buffer size, rest = divmod(_ffi.sizeof(data), elementsize) if rest: raise ValueError('buffer size must be multiple of elementsize') falsesize = 1 << int(_math.ceil( _math.log(size, 2) )) if size else 0 if falsesize == size: # This is a power of 2 buffer so just create a regular RingBuffer return RingBuffer(elementsize, buffer=data) self = super(_LinearBuffer, cls).__new__(cls) self._data = data self._ptr ='PaUtilRingBuffer*') rcode = _lib.PaUtil_InitializeRingBuffer( self._ptr, elementsize, falsesize, self._data) assert rcode == 0 # we manually assign the buffersize; this will keep us from going over # the buffer bounds self._ptr.bufferSize = size return self def __init__(self, elementsize, buffer): pass # Round up to the closest multiple of unit def _unitceil(x, unit): return unit * ((x + unit - 1) // unit) # Default handler for writing input from a Stream to a SoundFile object def _soundfilerecorder(stream, rxbuffer, inp_fh): try: latency = stream.latency[0] dtype = stream.dtype[0] except TypeError: latency = stream.latency dtype = stream.dtype ## global gtime periodsize = max(int(round(latency * stream.samplerate)), stream.blocksize) maxframes = _MAXCHUNKSIZE // rxbuffer.elementsize # Set chunksize to a multiple of _FILECHUNKSIZE chunksize = _unitceil(periodsize + _FILECHUNKSIZE, periodsize) chunksize = min(len(rxbuffer), maxframes, chunksize) sleeptime = (chunksize - rxbuffer.read_available + stream._offset) / stream.samplerate if sleeptime > 0: _time.sleep(sleeptime) sleeptime = max(chunksize - periodsize // 8, periodsize) / stream.samplerate ## _sys.stderr.write('r:%d r:%d ' % (periodsize, max(chunksize - periodsize // 8, periodsize))) while not stream.aborted: # for thread safety, check the stream is active *before* reading active = frames = min(rxbuffer.read_available, maxframes) if frames == 0: # we've read everything and the stream is done; seeya! if not active: break ## stream._rmisses += 1 ## _time.sleep(latency) ## continue ## print('1', timer() - gtime, frames) frames, buffregn1, buffregn2 = rxbuffer.get_read_buffers(frames) inp_fh.buffer_write(buffregn1, dtype=dtype) if len(buffregn2): inp_fh.buffer_write(buffregn2, dtype=dtype) rxbuffer.advance_read_index(frames) _time.sleep(sleeptime) # Default handler for reading input from a SoundFile object and # writing it to a Stream def _soundfileplayer(stream, txbuffer, out_fh, loop=False): try: latency = stream.latency[1] dtype = stream.dtype[1] except TypeError: latency = stream.latency dtype = stream.dtype ## global gtime periodsize = max(int(round(latency * stream.samplerate)), stream.blocksize) maxframes = _MAXCHUNKSIZE // txbuffer.elementsize # Set chunksize to a multiple of _FILECHUNKSIZE chunksize = _unitceil(periodsize + _FILECHUNKSIZE, periodsize) chunksize = min(len(txbuffer), maxframes, chunksize) sleeptime = max(chunksize - periodsize // 8, periodsize) / stream.samplerate readinto = out_fh.buffer_read_into ## _sys.stderr.write('w:%d w:%d ' % (periodsize, max(chunksize - periodsize // 8, periodsize))) while not stream.finished: frames = min(txbuffer.write_available, maxframes) ## if frames == 0: ## stream._wmisses += 1 ## print('0', timer() - gtime, frames) frames, buffregn1, buffregn2 = txbuffer.get_write_buffers(txbuffer.write_available) readframes = readinto(buffregn1, dtype=dtype) if len(buffregn2): readframes += readinto(buffregn2, dtype=dtype) if loop: # grab a memoryview to avoid copies buffregn1 = memoryview(buffregn1) buffregn2 = memoryview(buffregn2) while readframes < frames: readbytes = readframes * txbuffer.elementsize if readbytes < len(buffregn1): readframes += readinto(buffregn1[readbytes:], dtype=dtype) else: readframes += readinto(buffregn2[readbytes-len(buffregn1):], dtype=dtype) txbuffer.advance_write_index(readframes) if readframes < frames: break _time.sleep(sleeptime) # convert a generic channel mapping into the format py_pastream expects def _get_cmapping(mapping, channels): if not isinstance(mapping, dict): nonzeromapping = [m for m in mapping if m > 0] mapping = zip(mapping, range(1, len(mapping) + 1)) if len(set(nonzeromapping)) < len(nonzeromapping): raise ValueError("bad channel mapping; a channel was repeated") else: mapping = mapping.items() cmapping = [0] * channels for a, b in mapping: if b <= 0: raise ValueError("bad channel mapping; output channel must always be > 0") if a > len(cmapping): raise ValueError("bad channel mapping; input channel out of range") cmapping[b-1] = a return cmapping # TODO?: add option to do asynchronous exception raising
[docs] class Stream(_sd._StreamBase): """Base stream class from which all other stream classes derive. Note that this class inherits from :mod:`sounddevice`'s ``_StreamBase`` class. """ _soundfileplayer = staticmethod(_soundfileplayer) _soundfilerecorder = staticmethod(_soundfilerecorder) def __init__(self, kind, device=None, samplerate=None, channels=None, dtype=None, blocksize=None, **kwargs): # Set up the C portaudio callback self._rxbuffer = self._txbuffer = None self._cstream = _ffi.NULL self._crefs = [] if kwargs.get('callback', None) is None: # Init the C PyPaStream object self._cstream ="Py_PaStream*") _lib.init_stream(self._cstream) # Pass our data and callback to sounddevice kwargs['userdata'] = self._cstream kwargs['callback'] = _ffi.addressof(_lib, 'callback') kwargs['wrap_callback'] = None self.__frames = self._cstream.frames # These flags are used to tell when the callbacks have finished. We can # use them to abort writing of the ringbuffer. self.__statecond = _threading.Condition() self.__streamlock = _threading.RLock() self.__state = _INITIALIZED self.__aborting = False self.__exceptions = _queue.Queue() # Set up reader/writer threads self._rxthread = self._txthread = None self._txthread_args = self._rxthread_args = None # TODO: add support for C finished_callback function pointer self.__finished_callback = kwargs.pop('finished_callback', lambda x: None) def finished_callback(): # Check for any errors that might've occurred in the callback msg = _ffi.string(self._cstream.errorMsg).decode('utf-8') if len(msg): exctype, excmsg = msg.split(':', 1) if ':' in msg else (msg, '') exctype = getattr(_sys.modules[__name__], exctype) self._set_exception(exctype(excmsg)) with self.__statecond: # It's possible that the callback aborted itself so check if we # need to update our aborted flag here if self._cstream.last_callback == _sd._lib.paAbort \ or self.__aborting or not self.__exceptions.empty(): self.__state = _ABORTED | _FINISHED elif self._cstream.last_callback == _sd._lib.paComplete: self.__state = _FINISHED else: self.__state = _STOPPED | _FINISHED self.__aborting = False self.__statecond.notify_all() self.__finished_callback(self) super(Stream, self).__init__(kind, blocksize=blocksize, device=device, samplerate=samplerate, channels=channels, dtype=dtype, finished_callback=finished_callback, **kwargs) # DEBUG for measuring polling performance ## self._rmisses = self._wmisses = 0 self._autoclose = False if kind == 'duplex': self._cstream.txElementSize = self.samplesize[1] * self.channels[1] self._cstream.rxElementSize = self.samplesize[0] * self.channels[0] self._cstream.txchannels = self.channels[1] self._cstream.rxchannels = self.channels[0] elif kind == 'output': self._cstream.txchannels = self.channels self._cstream.txElementSize = self.samplesize * self.channels else: #if kind == 'input': self._cstream.rxchannels = self.channels self._cstream.rxElementSize = self.samplesize * self.channels channels = max(self._cstream.txchannels, self._cstream.rxchannels) self._crefs.append('unsigned char[]', [0]*channels)) self._cstream._mapping = self._crefs[-1] if self._cstream.txchannels: self._crefs.append('unsigned char[]', list(range(1, self._cstream.txchannels+1)))) self._cstream.txmapping = self._crefs[-1] if self._cstream.rxchannels: self._crefs.append('unsigned char[]', list(range(1, self._cstream.rxchannels+1)))) self._cstream.rxmapping = self._crefs[-1] def __stopiothreads(self): # !This function is *not* thread safe! currthread = _threading.current_thread() if self._rxthread is not None and self._rxthread.is_alive() \ and self._rxthread != currthread: self._rxthread.join() if self._txthread is not None and self._txthread.is_alive() \ and self._txthread != currthread: self._txthread.join() # TODO: add ability to re-enter rwfunc without having to recreate the thread def _readwritewrapper(self, rwfunc, *args, **kwargs): """\ Wrapper for the reader and writer functions which acts as a kind of context manager. """ try: rwfunc(self, *args, **kwargs) except: # Defer the exception and delegate to the owner thread self._set_exception() self.abort() def _reraise_exceptions(self): """\ Raise the last deferred exception if one exists. If the caller's thread is not the stream owner this function does nothing. """ currthread = _threading.current_thread() if currthread is self._rxthread or currthread is self._txthread: return try: exc = self.__exceptions.get(block=False) except _queue.Empty: return # To simplify things, we only care about the first exception raised self.__exceptions.queue.clear() if isinstance(exc, tuple): exctype, excval, exctb = exc if exctype is not None: excval = exctype(excval) if hasattr(excval, 'with_traceback'): raise excval.with_traceback(exctb) else: exec("raise excval, None, exctb") else: raise exc def _set_exception(self, exc=None): """\ Queue an exception to be re-raised later using `_reraise_exceptions`. """ try: self.__exceptions.put(exc or _sys.exc_info(), block=False) except _queue.Full: pass def _allocate_buffer(self, size, kind, atleast_2d=False, bufferclass=bytearray): isoutput = kind == 'output' try: channels = self.channels[isoutput] samplesize = self.samplesize[isoutput] dtype = self.dtype[isoutput] except TypeError: channels = self.channels samplesize = self.samplesize dtype = self.dtype if issubclass(bufferclass, _RingBufferBase): return bufferclass(channels * samplesize, size) try: import numpy return numpy.zeros((size, channels) if atleast_2d or channels > 1 else size * channels, dtype=dtype) except ImportError: return bufferclass(size * channels * samplesize)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, file, *args, **kwargs): """Create a stream using the charecteristics of a soundfile Parameters ---------- file : SoundFile or str or int or file-like object Other Parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Arguments to pass to Stream constructor Returns ------- Stream or Stream subclass instance Open stream See Also -------- :meth:`InputStream.to_file` """ if not isinstance(file, _sf.SoundFile): file = _sf.SoundFile(file) if kwargs.get('samplerate', None) is None: kwargs['samplerate'] = file.samplerate if kwargs.get('channels', None) is None: kwargs['channels'] = file.channels return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None): """Block until stream state changes to finished/aborted/stopped or until the optional timeout occurs. Parameters ---------- time : float, optional Optional timeout in seconds. Returns ------- bool True unless the timeout occurs. """ with self.__statecond: if self.__state == 0: self.__statecond.wait(timeout) if self.__state: # make sure any reader/writer threads are done before returning! # TODO: need to think this through for corner cases... self.__stopiothreads() self._reraise_exceptions() return self.__state > 0
@property def isduplex(self): """Return whether this is a full duplex stream or not""" return hasattr(self.channels, '__len__') @property def aborted(self): """Check whether stream has been aborted. If True, it is guaranteed that the stream is in a finished state. """ return self.__state & _ABORTED > 0 @property def finished(self): """Check whether the stream is in a finished state. Will only be True if :meth:`start` has been called and the stream either completed sucessfully or was stopped/aborted. """ return self.__state & _FINISHED > 0 @property def status(self): """\ The current PaStreamCallbackFlags status of the portaudio stream. """ return self._cstream.status @property def xruns(self): """Running total of xruns. Each new starting of the stream resets this number to zero. """ return self._cstream.xruns @property def frame_count(self): """Running total of frames that have been processed. Each new starting of the stream resets this number to zero. """ return self._cstream.frame_count @property def _offset(self): return self._cstream.offset @_offset.setter def _offset(self, value): self._cstream.offset = value @property def _pad(self): return self._cstream.pad @_pad.setter def _pad(self, value): # Note that the py_pastream callback doesn't act on 'pad' unless # frames < 0; thus, set 'frames' first to get deterministic behavior. frames = self.__frames if frames >= 0 and value >= 0: self._cstream.frames = value + frames # reset autoframes whenever we set frames from here self._cstream._autoframes = 0 self._cstream.pad = value @property def _frames(self): # We fib a bit here: __frames is _cstream.frames minus any padding return self.__frames @_frames.setter def _frames(self, value): pad = self._cstream.pad if value > 0 and pad > 0: self._cstream.frames = value + pad else: self._cstream.frames = value self.__frames = value # reset autoframes whenever we set frames from here self._cstream._autoframes = 0 def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exctype, excvalue, exctb): self.close() def _prepare(self): assert self.__state, "Stream has already been started!" # Apparently when using a PaStreamFinishedCallback the stream # *must* be stopped before starting the stream again or the # streamFinishedCallback will never be called if self.__state != _INITIALIZED and not self.stopped: super(Stream, self).stop() # Reset stream state machine with self.__statecond: self.__state = 0 # Reset cstream info _lib.reset_stream(self._cstream) # Recreate the necessary threads if self._rxthread_args is not None: target, args, kwargs = self._rxthread_args self._rxthread = _threading.Thread(target=self._readwritewrapper, args=(target,) + args, kwargs=kwargs) self._rxthread.daemon = True else: self._rxthread = None if self._txthread_args is not None: target, args, kwargs = self._txthread_args self._txthread = _threading.Thread(target=self._readwritewrapper, args=(target,) + args, kwargs=kwargs) self._txthread.daemon = True else: self._txthread = None # start is *not* thread safe! shouldn't have multiple callers anyway
[docs] def start(self, prebuffer=True): """Start the audio stream Parameters ---------- prebuffer : bool or int, optional Wait for a number of frames to be written to the output buffer before starting the audio stream. If True is given just wait for the first write. If not using threads or the stream is not an output stream this has no effect. """ self._prepare() ## global gtime ## gtime = timer() if self._txthread is not None: self._txthread.start() txbuffer = self._cstream.txbuffer prebuffer = int(prebuffer) while _lib.PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(txbuffer) < prebuffer\ and self._txthread.is_alive(): _time.sleep(0.0025) self._reraise_exceptions() with self.__streamlock: super(Stream, self).start() if self._rxthread is not None: self._rxthread.start() self._reraise_exceptions()
[docs] def stop(self): with self.__streamlock: super(Stream, self).stop() self.__stopiothreads() self._reraise_exceptions()
[docs] def abort(self): with self.__statecond: self.__aborting = True with self.__streamlock: super(Stream, self).abort() self.__stopiothreads() self._reraise_exceptions()
[docs] def close(self): # we take special care here to abort the stream first so that # the pastream pointer is still valid for the lifetime of the # read/write threads if not self.finished: with self.__statecond: self.__aborting = True with self.__streamlock: super(Stream, self).abort() self.__stopiothreads() with self.__streamlock: super(Stream, self).close() # Drop references to any buffers and external objects self._txthread_args = self._rxthread_args = None self._rxbuffer = self._txbuffer = None self._crefs = [] self._reraise_exceptions()
def __repr__(self): try: if self.device[0] == self.device[1]: name = "'%s'" % _sd.query_devices(self.device)['name'] else: name = tuple(_sd.query_devices(d)['name'] for d in self.device) except TypeError: name = "'%s'" % _sd.query_devices(self.device)['name'] try: if self.channels[0] != self.channels[1]: channels = self.channels else: channels = self.channels[0] except TypeError: channels = self.channels if self.dtype[0] == self.dtype[1]: # this is a hack that works only because there are no dtypes that # start with the same two characters dtype = self.dtype[0] else: dtype = self.dtype if _sys.version_info.major < 3: name = name.encode('utf-8', 'replace') return ("{0.__name__}({1}, samplerate={2._samplerate:.0f}, " "channels={3}, dtype='{4}', blocksize={2._blocksize})").format( self.__class__, name, self, channels, dtype)
# Mix-in purely for adding playback methods class _OutputStreamMixin(object): @property def txmapping(self): """Mutable mapping of input data channel to output channels A mutable property specifying what input data channels are mapped to each output channel. Note that input channels may only be mapped once (i.e., channel duplication is not supported). Can also be specified as a dict of input:output channel key value pairs. See Also -------- InputStream.rxmapping """ return list(self._cstream.txmapping[0:self._cstream.txchannels]) @txmapping.setter def txmapping(self, mapping): if mapping is None: mapping = range(1, self._cstream.txchannels + 1) cmapping = _get_cmapping(mapping, self._cstream.txchannels) self._cstream.txmapping[0:len(cmapping)] = cmapping def set_source(self, source, loop=False, buffersize=None, args=(), kwargs={}): """Set the playback source for the audio stream Parameters ----------- source : function or RingBuffer or SoundFile or buffer type Playback source. If `source` is a function it must be of the form: ``function(stream, ringbuffer, *args, loop=<bool>,**kwargs)``. Funcion sources are useful if you want to handle generating playback in some custom way. For example, `source` could be a function that reads audio data from a socket. This function will be called from a separate thread whenever the stream is started and is expected to close itself whenever the stream becomes inactive. For an example see the ``_soundfileplayer`` function in the source code for this module. loop : bool, optional Whether to enable playback looping. buffersize : int, optional RingBuffer size to use for double buffering audio data. Only applicable if `source` is a function or SoundFile. Must be a power of 2. Other Parameters ----------------- args, kwargs Additional arguments to pass if `source` is a function. Returns ------- RingBuffer instance RingBuffer wrapper interface from which audio device will read audio data. See Also -------- :meth:`InputStream.set_sink` """ try: channels = self.channels[1] elementsize = channels * self.samplesize[1] except TypeError: channels = self.channels elementsize = channels * self.samplesize if buffersize is None: buffersize = _PA_BUFFERSIZE writer = None if isinstance(source, _sf.SoundFile): writer = self._soundfileplayer if source.samplerate != self.samplerate or source.channels != channels: raise ValueError("Playback file samplerate/channels mismatch") if loop and not source.seekable(): raise ValueError("Can't loop playback; file is not seekable") args, kwargs = (source,), {} elif isinstance(source, RingBuffer): buffer = source elif callable(source): writer = source else: buffer = _LinearBuffer(elementsize, source) buffer.advance_write_index(len(buffer)) if writer is not None: # Only allocate a new buffer if an appropriate one is not already assigned buffer = self._txbuffer if buffer is None or len(buffer) != buffersize: buffer = RingBuffer(elementsize, buffersize) else: buffer.flush() # Assume the writer will take care of looping self._cstream.loop = 0 kwargs['loop'] = loop self._txthread_args = writer, (buffer,) + args, kwargs else: self._cstream.loop = loop # null out any thread that was previously set self._txthread_args = None self._cstream.txbuffer = _ffi.cast('PaUtilRingBuffer*', buffer._ptr) self._txbuffer = buffer return buffer def play(self, playback, frames=-1, pad=0, loop=False, buffersize=None, blocking=False): """Play back audio data from a buffer or file Parameters ----------- playback : buffer or SoundFile Playback source. frames : int, optional Number of frames to play. (Note: This does *not* include the length of any additional padding). A negative value (the default) will cause the stream to continue until the send buffer is empty. pad : int, optional Number of zero frames to pad the playback with. A negative value causes padding to be automatically chosen so that the total playback length matches `frames` (or, if frames is negative, zero padding will be added indefinitely). blocking : bool, optional Wait for playback to finish before returning. Other Parameters ----------------- loop, buffersize See :meth:`OutputStream.set_source` See Also -------- :meth:`OutputStream.set_source`, :meth:`DuplexStream.playrec` """ # Null out any rx thread or rx buffer pointer but note that we # intentionally do not clear the _rxbuffer in case that memory could be # used again self._rxthread_args = None self._cstream.rxbuffer = _ffi.NULL self.set_source(playback, loop, buffersize) self._pad = pad self._frames = frames self.start() if blocking: self.wait() # Mix-in purely for adding recording methods class _InputStreamMixin(object): @property def rxmapping(self): """Mutable mapping of input data channel to output channels A mutable property specifying what input data channels are mapped to each output channel. Note that input channels may only be mapped once (i.e., channel mixing is not supported). Can also be specified as a dict of input:output channel key value pairs. See Also -------- OutputStream.txmapping """ return list(self._cstream.rxmapping[0:self._cstream.rxchannels]) @rxmapping.setter def rxmapping(self, mapping): if mapping is None: mapping = range(1, self._cstream.rxchannels + 1) cmapping = _get_cmapping(mapping, self._cstream.rxchannels) self._cstream.rxmapping[0:len(cmapping)] = cmapping def to_file(self, file, mode='w', **kwargs): """Open a SoundFile for writing based on stream properties Parameters ---------- file : str or int or file-like object File to open as SoundFile **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to SoundFile constructor Raises ------ TypeError If no subtype was given and an appropriate subtype could not be guessed. Returns ------- SoundFile See Also -------- :meth:`Stream.from_file` """ # Try and determine the file extension here; we need to know if we # want to try and set a default subtype for the file fformat = kwargs.pop('format', None) if fformat is None: try: fformat = getattr(file, 'name', file).rsplit('.', 1)[1].lower() except (AttributeError, IndexError): fformat = None try: channels = self.channels[0] ssize = self.samplesize[0] dtype = self.dtype[0] except TypeError: channels = self.channels ssize = self.samplesize dtype = self.dtype if kwargs.get('samplerate', None) is None: kwargs['samplerate'] = int(self.samplerate) if kwargs.get('channels', None) is None: kwargs['channels'] = channels subtype = kwargs.pop('subtype', None) endian = kwargs.get('endian', None) if not subtype: # For those file formats which support PCM or FLOAT, use the device # samplesize to make a guess at a default subtype if dtype == 'float32' and _sf.check_format(fformat, 'float', endian): subtype = 'float' else: subtype = 'pcm_{0}'.format(8 * ssize) if fformat and not _sf.check_format(fformat, subtype, endian): raise TypeError("Could not map stream datatype '{0}' to " "an appropriate subtype for '{1}' format; please specify" .format(dtype, fformat)) return _sf.SoundFile(file, mode, subtype=subtype, format=fformat, **kwargs) def set_sink(self, sink, buffersize=None, args=(), kwargs={}): """Set the recording sink for the audio stream Parameters ----------- sink : function or RingBuffer or SoundFile or buffer type Recording sink. If `sink` is a function it must be of the form: ``function(stream, ringbuffer, *args, **kwargs)``. Funcion sources are useful if you want to handle capturing of audio data in some custom way. For example, `sink` could be a function that writes audio data directly to a socket. This function will be called from a separate thread whenever the stream is started and is expected to close itself whenever the stream becomes inactive. For an example see the ``_soundfilerecorder`` function in the source code for this module. buffersize : int, optional RingBuffer size to use for (double) buffering audio data. Only applicable when `sink` is either a file or function. Must be a power of 2. args, kwargs Additional arguments to pass if `sink` is a function. Returns ------- RingBuffer instance RingBuffer wrapper interface to which audio device will write audio data. See Also -------- :meth:`OutputStream.set_source` """ try: channels = self.channels[0] elementsize = channels * self.samplesize[0] except TypeError: channels = self.channels elementsize = channels * self.samplesize if buffersize is None: buffersize = _PA_BUFFERSIZE reader = None if isinstance(sink, _sf.SoundFile): reader = self._soundfilerecorder if sink.samplerate != self.samplerate or sink.channels != channels: raise ValueError("Recording file samplerate/channels mismatch") args, kwargs = (sink,) + args, {} elif isinstance(sink, RingBuffer): buffer = sink elif callable(sink): reader = sink else: buffer = _LinearBuffer(elementsize, sink) if reader is not None: # Only allocate a new buffer if an appropriate one is not already assigned buffer = self._rxbuffer if buffer is None or len(buffer) != buffersize: buffer = RingBuffer(elementsize, buffersize) else: buffer.flush() self._rxthread_args = reader, (buffer,) + args, kwargs else: # null out any thread that was previously set self._rxthread_args = None self._cstream.rxbuffer = _ffi.cast('PaUtilRingBuffer*', buffer._ptr) self._rxbuffer = buffer return buffer def record(self, frames=None, offset=0, atleast_2d=False, buffersize=None, blocking=False, out=None): """Record audio data to a buffer or file Parameters ----------- frames : int, sometimes optional Number of frames to record. Can be omitted if `out` is specified. offset : int, optional Number of frames to discard from beginning of recording. atleast_2d : bool, optional (numpy only) Always return output as a 2 dimensional array. buffersize : int, optional Buffer size to use for (double) buffering audio data to file. Only applicable when `out` is a file. Must be a power of 2. blocking : bool, optional Wait for recording to finish before returning. out : buffer or SoundFile, optional Output sink. Returns ------- ndarray or bytearray or type(out) Recording destination. See Also -------- :meth:`InputStream.set_sink`, :meth:`DuplexStream.playrec` """ try: import numpy except ImportError: numpy = None if frames is None and out is None: raise TypeError("at least one of {frames, out} is required") if out is None: out = self._allocate_buffer(frames - offset, 'input', atleast_2d) if atleast_2d and (numpy is None or not isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray)): raise ValueError("atleast_2d is only supported with numpy arrays") # Null out any previously set tx buffer/threads (see comment in play()) self._txthread_args = None self._cstream.txbuffer = _ffi.NULL capture = self.set_sink(out, buffersize) isbuffer = not isinstance(out, _sf.SoundFile) if frames is not None: self._frames = frames elif isbuffer: self._frames = len(capture) + offset else: self._frames = -1 self._offset = offset self.start() if blocking: self.wait() return out #TODO add ability to pad out last chunk so it's the same length as the rest #TODO? if `out` is set, modify the chunksize to use the length of the buffer #TODO? when out is used have pypastream write to it directly, avoiding the copy def chunks(self, chunksize=None, overlap=0, frames=-1, pad=-1, offset=0, atleast_2d=False, playback=None, loop=False, buffersize=None, out=None): """Read audio data in iterable chunks from a Portaudio stream. Similar in concept to PySoundFile library's :meth:`~soundfile.SoundFile.blocks` method. Returns an iterator over buffered audio chunks read from a Portaudio stream. By default a direct view into the stream's ringbuffer is returned whenever possible. Setting an `out` buffer will of course incur an extra copy. Parameters ---------- chunksize : int, optional Size of iterator chunks. If not specified the stream blocksize will be used. Note that if the blocksize is zero the yielded audio chunks may be of variable length depending on the audio backend. overlap : int, optional Number of frames to overlap across blocks. frames : int, optional Number of frames to play/record. pad : int, optional Playback padding. See :meth:``. Only applicable when playback is given. offset : int, optional Recording offset. See :meth:`InputStream.record`. atleast_2d : bool, optional (numpy only) Always return chunks as 2 dimensional arrays. playback : buffer or SoundFile, optional Set playback audio. Only works for full duplex streams. loop : bool, optional Loop the playback audio. out : :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or buffer object, optional Alternative output buffer in which to store the result. Note that any buffer object - with the exception of :class:`~numpy.ndarray` - is expected to have single-byte elements as would be provided by e.g., ``bytearray``. Yields ------ :class:`~numpy.ndarray` or memoryview or cffi.buffer Buffer object with `chunksize` frames. If numpy is available defaults to :class:`~numpy.ndarray` otherwise a buffer of bytes is yielded (which is either a :class:`cffi.buffer` object or a ``memoryview``). See Also -------- :meth:`chunks` """ try: channels = self.channels[0] samplesize = self.samplesize[0] dtype = self.dtype[0] latency = self.latency[0] except TypeError: channels = self.channels samplesize = self.samplesize dtype = self.dtype latency = self.latency elementsize = channels * samplesize try: import numpy except ImportError: numpy = None if atleast_2d and (numpy is None or not isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray)): raise ValueError("atleast_2d is only supported with numpy arrays") periodsize = int(round(latency * self.samplerate)) varsize = False if not chunksize: if self.blocksize: chunksize = self.blocksize - overlap elif overlap: raise ValueError( "Using overlap requires a non-zero chunksize or stream blocksize") else: varsize = True chunksize = periodsize if overlap >= chunksize: raise ValueError( "Overlap must be less than chunksize or stream blocksize") if buffersize is None: buffersize = _PA_BUFFERSIZE # Allocate a ringbuffer for double buffering input rxbuffer = self._rxbuffer if not isinstance(rxbuffer, RingBuffer) or len(rxbuffer) != buffersize: rxbuffer = RingBuffer(elementsize, buffersize) else: rxbuffer.flush() self._cstream.rxbuffer = _ffi.cast('PaUtilRingBuffer*', rxbuffer._ptr) self._rxbuffer = rxbuffer # Clear any previous receive thread self._rxthread_args = None if playback is None: self._txthread_args = None self._cstream.txbuffer = _ffi.NULL elif not self.isduplex: raise ValueError("playback not supported; this stream is input only") elif playback is True: pass else: self.set_source(playback, loop, buffersize) ndarray = False if out is not None: tempbuff = out if numpy is not None and isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray): ndarray = True try: bytebuff ='B') except AttributeError: bytebuff = else: bytebuff = tempbuff elif numpy is None: if varsize: nbytes = len(rxbuffer) * elementsize else: nbytes = chunksize * elementsize # Indexing into a bytearray creates a copy, so wrap it with a # memoryview bytebuff = tempbuff = memoryview(bytearray(nbytes)) else: ndarray = True if varsize: nframes = len(rxbuffer) else: nframes = chunksize if channels > 1: atleast_2d = True tempbuff = numpy.zeros((nframes, channels) if atleast_2d else nframes * channels, dtype=dtype) try: bytebuff ='B') except AttributeError: bytebuff = # fill the first overlap block with zeros if overlap: rxbuffer.write(bytearray(overlap * elementsize)) # DEBUG ## logf = open('chunks2.log', 'wt') ## print("delta sleep lag yield misses frames", file=logf) ## starttime = dt = rmisses = 0 wait_time = leadtime = 0 done = False minframes = 1 if varsize else chunksize self._offset = offset self._frames = frames self._pad = pad self.start() try: sleeptime = latency - \ (rxbuffer.read_available - offset - overlap) / self.samplerate if sleeptime > 0: _time.sleep(sleeptime) while not (self.aborted or done): # for thread safety, check the stream is active *before* reading active = frames = rxbuffer.read_available lastTime = self._cstream.lastTime.currentTime if frames < minframes: if not wait_time: wait_time = self.time if not active: done = True if frames == 0: break else: ## self._rmisses += 1 _time.sleep(0.0025) continue elif wait_time: leadtime = lastTime - wait_time wait_time = 0 # Debugging only ## print("{0:f} {1:f} {2:f} {3:f} {4} {5}".format( ## 1e3*(_time.time() - starttime), 1e3*sleeptime, 1e3*(self.time - lastTime), ## 1e3*dt, self._rmisses - rmisses, frames - chunksize), file=logf) ## rmisses = self._rmisses ## starttime = _time.time() frames, buffregn1, buffregn2 = rxbuffer.get_read_buffers( frames if varsize else chunksize) if out is not None or len(buffregn2): buffsz1 = len(buffregn1) bytebuff[:buffsz1] = buffregn1 bytebuff[buffsz1:buffsz1 + len(buffregn2)] = buffregn2 rxbuffer.advance_read_index(frames - overlap) if not ndarray: yield bytebuff[:frames * elementsize] else: yield tempbuff[:frames] else: if atleast_2d: yield numpy.frombuffer(buffregn1, dtype=dtype)\ .reshape(frames, channels) elif ndarray: yield numpy.frombuffer(buffregn1, dtype=dtype) else: yield buffregn1 rxbuffer.advance_read_index(frames - overlap) # DEBUG ## print('1', timer() - gtime, rxbuffer.read_available) ## dt = _time.time() - starttime sleeptime = (chunksize - rxbuffer.read_available) / self.samplerate \ + self._cstream.lastTime.currentTime - self.time \ + leadtime if sleeptime > 0: _time.sleep(sleeptime) except Exception: if _sd._initialized: self.abort() raise else: self._reraise_exceptions() finally: if _sd._initialized and self._autoclose: self.close()
[docs] class InputStream(_InputStreamMixin, Stream): """Record only stream. Other Parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Arguments to pass to :class:`Stream`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(InputStream, self).__init__('input', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class OutputStream(_OutputStreamMixin, Stream): """Playback only stream. Other Parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Arguments to pass to :class:`Stream`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(OutputStream, self).__init__('output', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class DuplexStream(InputStream, OutputStream): """Full duplex audio streamer. Other Parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Arguments to pass to :class:`Stream`. See Also -------- :class:`OutputStream`, :class:`InputStream` """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): Stream.__init__(self, 'duplex', *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, playback, *args, **kwargs): """Open a stream using the properties of a playback Soundfile Parameters ---------- playback : SoundFile or str or int or file-like object Playback audio file from which to create stream. Other Parameters ---------------- *args, **kwargs Arguments to pass to Stream constructor Returns ------- Stream Open stream See Also -------- :meth:`InputStream.to_file` """ if not isinstance(playback, _sf.SoundFile): playback = _sf.SoundFile(playback) if kwargs.get('samplerate', None) is None: kwargs['samplerate'] = playback.samplerate channels = kwargs.pop('channels', None) try: kwargs['channels'] = (channels[0], channels[1] or playback.channels) except TypeError: kwargs['channels'] = (channels, playback.channels) return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def playrec(self, playback, frames=None, pad=0, offset=0, atleast_2d=False, loop=False, buffersize=None, blocking=False, out=None): """Simultaneously record and play audio data Parameters ----------- playback : buffer or SoundFile Playback source. frames : int, sometimes optional Number of frames to play/record. This is required whenever `playback` is a file and `out` is not given. buffersize : int Buffer size to use for (double) buffering audio data to/from file. Only applicable when one or both of {`playback`, `out`} is a file. Must be a power of 2. pad, offset, atleast_2d, loop, blocking, out See description of :meth:`InputStream.record` and :meth:``. Returns ------- ndarray or bytearray or type(out) Recording destination. See Also -------- :meth:``, :meth:`InputStream.record` """ try: import numpy except ImportError: numpy = None self.set_source(playback, loop, buffersize) # if playback is a file with no determined length we could get a # nonsensical value which may be negative or a huge number; thus we # can't rely on it if frames is None and out is None and isinstance(playback, _sf.SoundFile): raise TypeError("at least one of {frames, out} is required when playback is a file") if out is None: if frames is None: frames = len(playback) if frames < offset: raise ValueError("frames must be >= offset") out = self._allocate_buffer(frames - offset + (pad if pad >= 0 else 0), 'input') if atleast_2d and (numpy is None or not isinstance(out, numpy.ndarray)): raise ValueError("atleast_2d is only supported with numpy arrays") capture = self.set_sink(out, buffersize) isbuffer = not isinstance(out, _sf.SoundFile) if frames is not None: self._frames = frames elif isbuffer: self._frames = len(capture) + offset else: self._frames = -1 self._offset = offset self._pad = pad self.start() if blocking: self.wait() return out
[docs] def chunks(chunksize=None, overlap=0, frames=-1, pad=0, offset=0, atleast_2d=False, playback=None, loop=False, buffersize=None, out=None, **kwargs): """Read audio data in iterable chunks from a Portaudio stream. This is simply a convenience function that provides the same functionality as :meth:`InputStream.chunks`. Parameters ------------ chunksize, overlap, frames, pad, offset, atleast_2d, playback, loop, buffersize, out See :meth:`InputStream.chunks` for description. Other Parameters ----------------- **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to Stream constructor. Yields ------- ndarray or bytearray or type(out) buffer object with `chunksize` elements. See Also -------- :meth:`InputStream.chunks` """ if playback is not None: if isinstance(playback, _sf.SoundFile): stream = DuplexStream.from_file(playback, **kwargs) else: stream = DuplexStream(**kwargs) else: stream = InputStream(**kwargs) stream._autoclose = True return stream.chunks(chunksize, overlap, frames, pad, offset, atleast_2d, playback, loop, buffersize, out)
# Used solely for the pastream app def _FileStreamFactory(record=None, playback=None, buffersize=None, loop=False, rxmapping=None, txmapping=None, **kwargs): frames = kwargs.pop('frames') pad = kwargs.pop('pad') offset = kwargs.pop('offset') ichannels, ochannels = _sd._split(kwargs.get('channels', None)) iformat, oformat = _sd._split(kwargs.pop('format')) isubtype, osubtype = _sd._split(kwargs.pop('subtype')) iendian, oendian = _sd._split(kwargs.pop('endian')) playback_fh = None if playback is not None: try: playback_fh = _sf.SoundFile(playback) except TypeError: playback_fh = _sf.SoundFile(playback, kwargs['samplerate'], ochannels, osubtype, oendian, oformat) if record is not None and playback is not None: kind = 'duplex' stream = DuplexStream.from_file(playback_fh, **kwargs) stream.rxmapping = rxmapping stream.txmapping = txmapping record_fh = stream.to_file(record, subtype=isubtype, endian=iendian, format=iformat) stream.set_source(playback_fh, loop, buffersize) stream.set_sink(record_fh, buffersize) elif playback is not None: kind = 'output' record_fh = None stream = OutputStream.from_file(playback_fh, **kwargs) stream.txmapping = txmapping stream.set_source(playback_fh, loop, buffersize) elif record is not None: kind = 'input' playback_fh = None stream = InputStream(**kwargs) stream.rxmapping = rxmapping record_fh = stream.to_file(record, subtype=isubtype, endian=iendian, format=iformat) stream.set_sink(record_fh, buffersize) else: raise TypeError("At least one of {playback, record} must be non-null.") # frames/pad/offset can all be specified in seconds (ie a multiple of # samplerate) so set them here after the stream is opened locs = locals() for k in ('frames', 'pad', 'offset'): v = locs[k] if v is None: continue if isinstance(v, str): # parse the format H:M:S to number of seconds seconds = sum(int(x) * (60.0 ** i) for i, x in enumerate(v.split(':')[::-1])) v = int(round(seconds * stream.samplerate)) setattr(stream, '_' + k, v) origclose = stream.close def close(): try: origclose() finally: if playback is not None: playback_fh.close() if record is not None: record_fh.close() stream.close = close return stream, record_fh, playback_fh, kind def _get_parser(parser=None): import shlex, re from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter # Hour:minute:second format hms = re.compile(r'^\s*([0-9]+:)?([0-5]?[0-9]:)?[0-5]?[0-9](\.[0-9]+)?\s*$') if parser is None: parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, add_help=False, fromfile_prefix_chars='@', description=__doc__) parser.convert_arg_line_to_args = lambda arg_line: arg_line.split() class ListStreamsAction(Action): def __call__(*args, **kwargs): print(_sd.query_devices()) _sys.exit(0) def framestype(frames): if frames.endswith('s'): return sizetype(frames[:-1]) elif frames == '-1': return -1 elif not hms.match(frames): raise ValueError("Couldn't parse argument: %s" % frames) return frames def dvctype(dvc): try: return int(dvc) except ValueError: return dvc def sizetype(x): if x.endswith('k'): x = int(float(x[:-1]) * 1e3) elif x.endswith('K'): x = int(float(x[:-1]) * 1024) elif x.endswith('m'): x = int(float(x[:-1]) * 1e6) elif x.endswith('M'): x = int(float(x[:-1]) * 1024 * 1024) else: x = int(float(x)) return x def possizetype(x): x = sizetype(x) assert x > 0, "Must be a positive value." return x def nonnegsizetype(x): x = sizetype(x) assert x >= 0, "Must be a non-negative value." return x def posframestype(x): if x.startswith('-'): raise ValueError("Must be a non-negative value.") return framestype(x) def nullortype(x, type=None): if x.lower() in ('null', '', '^'): return None return x if type is None else type(x) def csvtype(arg, type=None): csvsplit = shlex.shlex(arg, posix=True) csvsplit.whitespace = ','; csvsplit.whitespace_split = True return tuple(map(type or str, csvsplit)) def maptype(arg): mapping = [] for i, x in enumerate(arg.split(','), 1): try: a, b = x.split(':') a, b = int(a), int(b) assert b > 0, "bad channel mapping; output channel must always be > 0" except ValueError: a, b = int(x), i mapping.append((a, b)) return [x[0] for x in sorted(mapping, key=lambda y: y[1])] parser.add_argument("input", type=nullortype, metavar='input|NULL', help='''\ Playback audio file. Use dash (-) to read from STDIN. Use one of {null, ^} or an empty string ('') to select record only.''') parser.add_argument("output", type=nullortype, metavar='output|NULL', nargs='?', help='''\ Output file for recording. Use dash (-) to write to STDOUT. Use one of {null, ^} or an empty string ('') to select playback only.''') genopts = parser.add_argument_group("general options") genopts.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help", help="Show this help message and exit.") genopts.add_argument("-l", "--list", action=ListStreamsAction, nargs=0, help="List available audio device streams.") genopts.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action='store_true', help="Don't print any status information.") genopts.add_argument("--version", action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__, help="Print version and exit.") propts = parser.add_argument_group("playback/record options", description='''\ Note that size type arguments are accepted in the form hours:minutes:seconds by default or in samples directly by appending an 's' suffix lead by an optional size suffix: k[ilo] K[ibi] m[ega] M[ebi]. (e.g. 1Ks == 1024 samples).''') propts.add_argument("--buffersize", type=possizetype, default=_PA_BUFFERSIZE, help='''\ File buffering size in units of frames. Must be a power of 2. Determines the maximum amount of buffering for the input/output file(s). Use higher values to increase robustness against irregular file i/o behavior. (Default %(default)d)''') propts.add_argument("-d", "--duration", type=framestype, default=-1, help='''\ Limit playback/capture to a certain duration. If duration is negative (the default), then streaming will continue until there is no playback data remaining or, if no playback was given, recording will continue indefinitely.''') propts.add_argument("--fatal-xruns", action='store_true', help="Exit with an error if any xruns are reported.") propts.add_argument("--loop", action='store_true', help="Loop playback indefinitely.") propts.add_argument("-o", "--offset", type=posframestype, default=0, help='''\ Drop a number of frames from the start of a recording.''') propts.add_argument("-p", "--pad", type=framestype, nargs='?', default=0, const=-1, help='''\ Pad the input with frames of zeros. (Useful to avoid truncating full duplex recordings). If pad is negative (the default if no argument is given) then padding is chosen so that the total playback length matches --duration. If duration is also negative, zero padding will be added indefinitely.''') devopts = parser.add_argument_group("audio device options", description='''\ Options accept single values or pairs. One of {null, ^) or an empty string ('') may be used as a placeholder for the default value.''') devopts.add_argument("-b", "--blocksize", type=nonnegsizetype, help='''\ PortAudio buffer size in units of frames. If blocksize is zero, backend will decide an optimal size (recommended). Default is zero.''') devopts.add_argument("-c", "--channels", metavar='channels[,channels]', type=lambda x: csvtype(x, lambda y: nullortype(y, int)), help="Number of input/output channels.") devopts.add_argument("-D", "--device", metavar='device[,device]', type=lambda x: csvtype(x, lambda y: nullortype(y, dvctype)), help='''\ Audio device name expression(s) or index number(s). Defaults to the PortAudio default device(s).''') devopts.add_argument("-f", "--format", metavar="format[,format]", dest='dtype', type=lambda x: csvtype(x, nullortype), help='''\ Sample format(s) of audio device stream. Must be one of {%s}.''' % ', '.join(['null'] + list(_sd._sampleformats.keys()))) devopts.add_argument("-m", "--map", type=lambda x: nullortype(x, maptype), default=[], nargs='+', metavar='CHMAP', help='''\ Input to output channel mapping assuming one-based indexing in the form CHIN[:CHOUT][,CHIN[:CHOUT]...]. If the output channel number is omitted the positional index is assumed. Note that each input/output channel may only be mapped once (i.e., mixing channels and channel duplication are not supported).''') devopts.add_argument("-r", "--rate", dest='samplerate', type=possizetype, help='''\ Sample rate in Hz. Add a 'k' suffix to specify kHz.''') devopts.add_argument("-s", "--channel-select", metavar='channel[,channel,...]', type=lambda x: nullortype(x, lambda y: csvtype(y, possizetype)), nargs='+', help='''\ Channel select; open a subset of audio device's available channels. Expects a comma-delimited list of one-based channel indices. Available with ASIO backend only.''') fileopts = parser.add_argument_group("audio file formatting options", description='''\ Options accept single values or pairs. One of {null, ^} or an empty string ('') may be used as a placeholder for the default value.''') fileopts.add_argument("-t", "--file_type", metavar="file_type[,file_type]", type=lambda x: csvtype(x, lambda y: nullortype(y, str.upper)), help='''\ Audio file type(s). (Required for RAW files). Typically this is determined from the file header or extension, but it can be manually specified here. Must be one of {%s}.''' % ', '.join(['null'] + list(_sf.available_formats().keys()))) fileopts.add_argument("-e", "--encoding", metavar="encoding[,encoding]", type=lambda x: csvtype(x, lambda y: nullortype(y, str.upper)), help='''\ Sample format encoding(s). Note for output file encodings: for file types that support PCM or FLOAT format, pastream will automatically choose the sample format that most closely matches the output device stream; for other file types, the subtype is required. Must be one of {%s}.''' % ', '.join(['null'] + list(_sf.available_subtypes().keys()))) fileopts.add_argument("--endian", metavar="endian[,endian]", type=lambda x: csvtype(x, lambda y: nullortype(y, str.lower)), help='''\ Sample endianness. Must be one of {%s}.''' % ', '.join(['null'] + ['file', 'big', 'little'])) return parser def _main(argv=None): import os, traceback if argv is None: argv = _sys.argv[1:] parser = _get_parser() args = parser.parse_args(argv) # Note that input/output from the cli perspective is reversed wrt the # pastream/portaudio library so we swap arguments here def unpack(x): return x[0] if x and len(x) == 1 else x and x[::-1] settings = None if args.channel_select: try: if args.channels[0] is None and args.input: args.channels[0] = len(args.channel_select[0] or []) or None if args.channels[1] is None and args.output and len(args.channel_select) > 1: args.channels[1] = len(args.channel_select[1] or []) or None except TypeError: args.channels = [cs and len(cs) for cs in args.channel_select] except IndexError: if args.output and len(args.channel_select) > 1: args.channels = (args.channels[0], len(args.channel_select[1] or []) or None) settings = [cs and _sd.AsioSettings([x-1 for x in cs]) for cs in args.channel_select] txmapping, rxmapping = None, None if len( > 1: txmapping, rxmapping = elif len( if args.output: rxmapping =[0] else: txmapping =[0] try: stream, record, playback, kind = _FileStreamFactory( args.output, args.input, buffersize=args.buffersize, loop=args.loop, offset=args.offset, pad=args.pad, frames=args.duration, samplerate=args.samplerate, blocksize=args.blocksize, endian=unpack(args.endian), subtype=unpack(args.encoding), format=unpack(args.file_type), device=unpack(args.device), channels=unpack(args.channels), dtype=unpack(args.dtype), extra_settings=unpack(settings), txmapping=txmapping, rxmapping=rxmapping) except (TypeError, ValueError): traceback.print_exc() parser.print_usage() parser.exit(255) if args.output == '-' or args.quiet: stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') else: stdout = _sys.stdout statline = "\r {:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:05.2f}s ({:d} xruns, {:6.2f}% load)\r" print("<-", 'null' if playback is None else playback, file=stdout) print("--", stream, file=stdout) print("->", 'null' if record is None else record, file=stdout) with stream: try: stream.start() t1 = _time.time() while dt = _time.time() - t1 line = statline.format(dt // 3600, dt % 3600 // 60, dt % 60, stream.xruns, 100 * stream.cpu_load) stdout.write(line); stdout.flush() if args.fatal_xruns and stream.status: # I've seen some really odd hanging behavior in older # versions of portaudio using pulseaudio devices with # abort(); stop() seems not to cause the same issues though stream.stop() break _time.sleep(0.12) except KeyboardInterrupt: stream.stop() finally: print(file=stdout) if args.fatal_xruns and stream.xruns: print("ERROR: xruns detected: Aborted", file=_sys.stderr) print("Callback info:", file=stdout) print("\tFrames processed: %d ( %.3fs )" % (stream.frame_count, stream.frame_count / float(stream.samplerate)), file=stdout) print('''\ \tinput xruns (under/over): {0.inputUnderflows}/{0.inputOverflows} \toutput runs (under/over): {0.outputUnderflows}/{0.outputOverflows}''' .format(stream._cstream), file=stdout) ## print(stream._rmisses, stream._wmisses, file=_sys.stderr) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': _sys.exit(_main())